Zentz Fellowship Community Visit 4-23-16
Members from Detachment 296 made a visit to the Zentz Fellowship Community to visit some of their veteran residents. It was a fun day by all where we sang songs, shared stories, and ate ice cream. What made this trip special is that it was the first one setup by Gold Star Mother Anna Rodriguez. She definitely did the detachment proud by not only making all the arrangements, but also reaching out to the veteran community and getting two of the local veterans motor cycle clubs to join in the festivities. I would like to send out a special thank you to the American Legion Riders from Post 9 and the Warrior's Watch Riders ECPA for their support on a very successful mission. It was an honor to be able to get together and show our support to those men and women that came before us.
- Semper Fidelis Commandant Jason M. Smith