Emmaus Veterans Committee Honor Guard

Unit Patch.JPG

     The Emmaus Veterans Committee is made up of veterans from the Catholic War Vets, the VFW, the American Legion, and the Marine Corps League. The purpose of this committee is for all Emmaus veterans organizations to gather together and ensure the needs of local veterans and their families are being taken care of.

The committees activities include, but are not limited to:

  • replacing the flags at veterans gravesites, multiple times a year

  • organizing the Emmaus Memorial Day Activities

  • Once a year a flag retirement ceremony is held, in which old and tattered flags collected from gravesites, veterans groups, and civilian contributors are properly retired. The ashes of those flags are later collected and spread around the veterans cemeteries.

  • visit VA hospitals and nursing homes where veterans are living to provide conversation and lift their spirits.

The Emmaus Veterans Committee also has an Honor Guard. This is a group of local veterans which volunteer their time to perform military funerals for fallen veterans at the gravesite, including the playing of taps and a gun salute. They will also perform services inside the funeral home per the request of the family. There is no payment requested but donations are accepted. If you would like a military service at a loved one's funeral, please let the funeral director know and contact the committee below. Also they are always looking for volunteers to assist in their services, if there is any interest please fill out the form below and somebody will get back to you as soon as possible.


* All contact information will only be used for the service requested and will not be shared with any outside sources without your consent.