Fairview Cemetery Flag Replacements 5-1-16

One of our duties as a veterans organization, and maybe our most important, is to honor those who came before us. This does not just pertain to those still living but also honoring the memory of those that have past. That is exactly what several of Detachment 296's members did on this misty day in May. We gathered together and assisted in replacing tattered and worn flags at the Fairview Cemetery in Allentown. There was an ad placed in the Morning Call asking for assistance in this project and, as usual, the Marines answered the call. We were asked to walk the cemetery and replace all the American flags that were in placards on the graves. Several of us went above and beyond by repairing bent placards and adjusting several fallen gravestones. If we don't take the time to honor those that came before we dishonor ourselves.

-Commandant Jason M. Smith