Lehigh Valley Marine Corps League Detachment 296 2018 Suicide Pool Fundraiser
1. Players must choose 1 team a week (Picks must be in prior to the start of the game you are choosing)
a. If that team wins you survive the week
b. If that team loses, or ties, you are done for the season
c. If you do not place a pick you are done for the season
d. You may only pick a team once a season
i. Ex. If you pick the Philadelphia Eagles to win Week 1 you cannot pick them again for the rest of the season.
2. The last surviving player at the end of the year is the winner
a. If there is a tie at the end of the regular season then the pot is split evenly amongst the surviving players
b. If all remaining players should pick the same team and that team loses, the pot will be split between the remaining players
3. The donation to play is $30.00 with $10 dollars going to the Detachment Fundraiser. The remainder will be given to the season winner.
4. When signing up please give your name, email, and phone number.
5. After you are added to the season roster you will be given a number, from the League Administrator.
a. Your picks can be submitted via e-mail or text to the League Administrator (Contact Information is below)
b. When submitting your picks please include your player number, the week of the pick, and the full team name.
6. Your donation is to be given in the following ways:
a. Cash can be given to the detachment member you joined through
b. I have a Venmo account: @jmsmith91081
c. A check can be made out to LVMCL Det. 296 and mailed to my address.
7. There will be a link on the home page of the Detachment Website, WWW.LVMCL.COM, which will show the progress of the league.
a. This will be updated no later than Wednesday night the week after the game.
a. Commandant Jason M. Smith, Email: jmsmith91081@yahoo.com, Cell Number: (484) 553-5237
b. Picks are to be submitted via email or text only, voicemail and word of mouth will not be accepted.
Current Players: Thanks to the Raiders surprising defeat of the Steelers, we now have a winner. Congratulations to player #3, and thank you to everyone that played. I hop you all had fun and thank you again for your support of our detachment. - Commandant Jason M. Smith.
If you would like a downloadable/printable 2018 NFL Schedule, to assist you in keeping track of your picks, click HERE.