2015 a year in photos
It being the end of the year, it is time to reflect on the ways we have progressed as a unit. We have become more entrenched in our local community with our visits to many of the local nursing and retirement homes. We have also started a relationship with a local group of Gold Star Mothers. Our recruitment of new members has progressed on a level that many other veterans organizations would beg for. We have started to ensure the future of our detachment by bringing in OIF/OEF marines into our ranks. Without their youth and fresh ideas, we as an organization will fail. It is also important that we reflect on the members and family that we have lost. It is in their honor that we continue on and strive to maintain the standards they helped build for us.
- Commandant Jason M. Smith
names of the fallen
Russell Gross
July 29 1915 – Dec 31 2014
Marine Veteran/WWII Veteran/Korean War Veteran
Ron Thompson
Oct. 21 1943 – Sept. 24 2015
Marine Veteran
a year of memories